Saturday, April 25, 2009

Time Flies

Today my middle child turned 15 years old. It is hard to believe that this has happened. I know I say that each time one of my boys has another milestone or birthday but it is hard to believe.
Will was my child who I could count on to teach me patience. He has an enormous amount of it. He is also my child who has the most tender heart for people and animals. He is quiet, funny, and extremely smart. He is a duplicate of his father. He is the child who can make me laugh when I am so mad. He acts so mature at times but then minutes later he will act like my little boy again. He has a heart for missions and thrives on helping others. He amazes me so much. He is a great musician and has been blessed with talent in this area. He also knows more about computers than I think I will ever know.
I am blessed with 3 wonderful boys. All who have their own personality and outlook on life. I am glad that they are so vastly different. It makes my life interesting.
Time flies so fast from when they are born to when they leave home. It seems like only yesterday he was born and swinging in his little swing, standing in front of the Christmas tree in his footie jammies, playing in the trees while we took his picture, starting kindergarten, going through elementary school, and then on into junior high school. Now he is completing his first year of high school and I know that it will be a blink of an eye and he will be graduating.
I intend to enjoy him as much as I can because I know that I have a limited time with him. He makes me laugh and encourages me in how he deals with others. Has it really been 15 years? It only seems like yesterday....


  1. And he looked so cute with that chili bowl hair when he was little! : )

  2. He was so cute with his big blue eyes telling Darin, "Aunt Cona's my sweetheart." It was just yesterday that this little boy was turned 2.
