I am trying really hard to view things as an adventure but the way things are going, well, I don't know that I would call it an adventure. It is more endurance. Kind of like training for a marathon. You have to keep pushing yourself to get past the tired, the strain, the pain (especially the pain). As you push through these areas, you go a little further each time. That is really more of what I am doing right now.
I know that this endurance is being built up for a reason and I am trying to hang on with all my might to the thought that there is a point for it. Like a finish line. I know that despite what I tell people (running is against my religion :D ), I am having to run as if my life depended on it. That is part of the endurance.
Unfortunately, this is now something that I have to do alone. I am not sure I am strong enough to do alone. I know I have to but I am just not sure I can. I knew that with a support system in place that I could get through any marathon just fine. Now, doubt, insecurity, etc. crowds in. It is like everything up to this was baby steps. Now I am expected to run it alone. I hope I can. I intend to do my best as well as I can on my own. Endurance, it is needed. Adventure, possibly. Life, always and forever.
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