One of my favorite movies is "Up". I love the fact that there is an adventure book and that the wife at the beginning sees everything as an adventure. Just to remember that I watched it tonight after everyone went to bed. Since I am about to embark on a new adventure, I wanted to remind myself of the "Up's" I was going to have.
We are winding down the end of the year at school. I have to say that I am really glad. The kids have been great and I will miss seeing them until August. Our school is making a transition. We are going from being a 5th and 6th grade campus to being a 6th and 7th grade campus. The year after that we will add the 8th grade. With those changes comes the change of our name--Maypearl Middle School. An adventure.
I am excited about starting a new phase of teaching. I will be teaching math. I posted last time how nervous I am about it but in my prayer time and in talking with a dear friend, God has given me peace about what I am doing next year. The kids may not be too excited because it means that we will have the same kids next year that we had this year. I think the 6th graders were looking forward to going to the Secondary School. Oh well, I think that once we get started they will see how good it will all be. Another adventure.
I am looking forward to making new friends because with the new grades joining us, there will be new faces joining us. I know a lot of the people just by their names but now I will actually get to know them on a personal level. I like making new friends. Some of my tried and true friends are taking on new positions throughout the district so I will have to make sure to go and visit them from time to time. And yet another adventure.
So you see, next school year is going to be chock full of adventures and I am going to experience them all. I can't wait. My adventure book is going to quite possibly need extra pages when this is all said and done. How exciting is that!!!
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