Today was a glorious day outside! The temperature was pleasant, the sun was shining, and the skies were blue. It was wonderful. We took the reading class outside to do the lesson today and they had a ball. I loved it because I wasn't looking at four walls and florescent lights.
I couldn't think of anything other than praise for God. I just kept thanking Him over and over for the blessing of this day. You know to quote one of my favorite movies (Pollyanna)--"Get out there and enjoy this glorious day and while you are at it, give thanks to the one who made it."
Count your blessings one by one and have a blast of a day!!!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I've Just Seen Jesus
I saw someone had posted this YouTube video on facebook and the song flooded my brain, spirit, and soul. If you have never heard it then I encourage you to listen to it. Here are the lyrics to this very poignant song. This is what Easter is about.
We knew He was dead. "It is finished," He said. We had watched as His life ebbed away.
Then we all stood around, til the guards took Him down. Joseph begged for His body that day
It was late afternoon when we got to the tomb, wrapped His body, and sealed up the grave.
So I know how you feel. His death was so real, but please listen and hear what I say.
I've just seen Jesus! I tell you He is alive! I've just seen Jesus!
Our precious Lord alive! And I knew, He really saw me too, as if til now, I'd never lived.
All that I'd done before, won't matter anymore.
I've just seen Jesus and I'll never be the same again.
It was His voice she first heard.
Those kind gentle words, asking what was her reason for tears.
And I sobbed in despair, "My Lord is not there!"
He said, "Child! it is I, I am here!"
I've just seen Jesus! I tell you He is alive! I've just seen Jesus!
Our precious Lord alive!
And I knew, he really saw me too, as if til now, I'd never lived.
All that I'd done before won't matter anymore.
I've just seen Jesus! I've just seen Jesus! I've just seen Jesus!
All that I'd done before won't matter anymore.
I've just seen Jesus! And I'll never be the same again.
I've just seen Jesus!
We knew He was dead. "It is finished," He said. We had watched as His life ebbed away.
Then we all stood around, til the guards took Him down. Joseph begged for His body that day
It was late afternoon when we got to the tomb, wrapped His body, and sealed up the grave.
So I know how you feel. His death was so real, but please listen and hear what I say.
I've just seen Jesus! I tell you He is alive! I've just seen Jesus!
Our precious Lord alive! And I knew, He really saw me too, as if til now, I'd never lived.
All that I'd done before, won't matter anymore.
I've just seen Jesus and I'll never be the same again.
It was His voice she first heard.
Those kind gentle words, asking what was her reason for tears.
And I sobbed in despair, "My Lord is not there!"
He said, "Child! it is I, I am here!"
I've just seen Jesus! I tell you He is alive! I've just seen Jesus!
Our precious Lord alive!
And I knew, he really saw me too, as if til now, I'd never lived.
All that I'd done before won't matter anymore.
I've just seen Jesus! I've just seen Jesus! I've just seen Jesus!
All that I'd done before won't matter anymore.
I've just seen Jesus! And I'll never be the same again.
I've just seen Jesus!
Places in my mind
Do you ever have some place in your mind that you can go and just get away? Some people would say that this is a sign of a crazy person in need of psychiatric help. Others would say that only selfish people would do that. Well, call me crazy and call me selfish.
At night my mind goes a hundred miles an hour. That is an exaggeration but it seems like that. I have tried cutting out caffeine, sugar, etc. so that I will go to sleep but that has not helped. What I found helps is that in my mind, I have a built a little one bedroom cabin. It is set in the middle of a forest with a lake. The only access is by a small water plane or helicopter. This cabin has all the amenities you could want. It is run by solar and wind power. In this scenario, I have unlimited money so I don't have to worry about finances. I have just enough furniture, and lots of homemade quilts. I have a garden outside that is fenced from bears and animals. It is a calming place.
So at night when the thoughts, worries, concerns, and work stuff crashes in, I make the trip to the cabin. I sit on the porch or in front of the fire and close my eyes. In doing this, I relax and the junk in my brain seems to disappear.
So, maybe I am crazy and selfish but if you could see my little cabin, you would want to pull up a chair and stay a while too.
At night my mind goes a hundred miles an hour. That is an exaggeration but it seems like that. I have tried cutting out caffeine, sugar, etc. so that I will go to sleep but that has not helped. What I found helps is that in my mind, I have a built a little one bedroom cabin. It is set in the middle of a forest with a lake. The only access is by a small water plane or helicopter. This cabin has all the amenities you could want. It is run by solar and wind power. In this scenario, I have unlimited money so I don't have to worry about finances. I have just enough furniture, and lots of homemade quilts. I have a garden outside that is fenced from bears and animals. It is a calming place.
So at night when the thoughts, worries, concerns, and work stuff crashes in, I make the trip to the cabin. I sit on the porch or in front of the fire and close my eyes. In doing this, I relax and the junk in my brain seems to disappear.
So, maybe I am crazy and selfish but if you could see my little cabin, you would want to pull up a chair and stay a while too.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thoughts about my Grandmother
I was thinking about my grandmother today. I had to hem my youngest son's band pants without cutting them off. It now has an 8 1/2 hem. As I was sewing these pants up, I remembered my mom and my grandmother working with me to make hems and to make creations on the sewing machine. Needless to say, I never made it to far. I can do the basic stuff and could probably even make some piece of clothing. Whether it would be wearable or not is a whole other thing.
So why did I think about my grandmother? She was what I thought of as the example of what I call the "perfect housewife" for her time. She made everything from scratch, she had a house cleaning schedule every day. She followed the same routine daily. She was up early to make a home cooked breakfast for everyone. This was followed by doing the dishes, sweeping and mopping the kitchen. Then the beds were made and furniture dusted. The bathrooms came next. She literally would get on her knees and scrub the floors, tub, toilet, and sink. (That is until she couldn't physically do it. At that point, she resorted to using a mop). Lunch would be made and it was always a hot meal. No sandwiches or processed foods there. Again dishes were done and the floor swept and mopped. She then would stop and watch her favorite show, "As the World Turns". She didn't just sit and watch it though. She was always mending something, crocheting, or working on some project. A true multi tasker. In the afternoon, she would work with my aunt on the piano. If I happen to be there, she would set my aunt to work on a writing project that tied into the Sunday School lesson that they would study together and then it was time for my piano lesson. She taught me the basics. This would be followed by reading together or learning to sew. Then it was off to make supper. Again, nothing processed there. The dishes done, floor swept and mopped. Then back to the couch for a couple of shows on television and more mending, sewing, or crocheting. A quick bath and then bedtime. I don't know that I ever heard her complain about all this work. She just did it and always made it seem effortless. She did ask that my granddaddy do the grocery shopping. Saturdays we would always dress up to leave the house and we would go to downtown Corpus Christi to the department store so that she could get her hair done. I would hang out on the mezzanine with my granddaddy. Sundays were her time. She played the organ for the church. She would always be prepared for any song. Then home to cook a full meal.
Why did I just give a run down of what she did daily? Because I realized tonight that if she could do all that and never complain then what business do I have to complain about what all I have to do? She was educated (had her degree in Spanish/Teaching) and actually taught a while. Meanwhile, keeping house. No complaints. I need to take lessons from her. No complaints.
So why did I think about my grandmother? She was what I thought of as the example of what I call the "perfect housewife" for her time. She made everything from scratch, she had a house cleaning schedule every day. She followed the same routine daily. She was up early to make a home cooked breakfast for everyone. This was followed by doing the dishes, sweeping and mopping the kitchen. Then the beds were made and furniture dusted. The bathrooms came next. She literally would get on her knees and scrub the floors, tub, toilet, and sink. (That is until she couldn't physically do it. At that point, she resorted to using a mop). Lunch would be made and it was always a hot meal. No sandwiches or processed foods there. Again dishes were done and the floor swept and mopped. She then would stop and watch her favorite show, "As the World Turns". She didn't just sit and watch it though. She was always mending something, crocheting, or working on some project. A true multi tasker. In the afternoon, she would work with my aunt on the piano. If I happen to be there, she would set my aunt to work on a writing project that tied into the Sunday School lesson that they would study together and then it was time for my piano lesson. She taught me the basics. This would be followed by reading together or learning to sew. Then it was off to make supper. Again, nothing processed there. The dishes done, floor swept and mopped. Then back to the couch for a couple of shows on television and more mending, sewing, or crocheting. A quick bath and then bedtime. I don't know that I ever heard her complain about all this work. She just did it and always made it seem effortless. She did ask that my granddaddy do the grocery shopping. Saturdays we would always dress up to leave the house and we would go to downtown Corpus Christi to the department store so that she could get her hair done. I would hang out on the mezzanine with my granddaddy. Sundays were her time. She played the organ for the church. She would always be prepared for any song. Then home to cook a full meal.
Why did I just give a run down of what she did daily? Because I realized tonight that if she could do all that and never complain then what business do I have to complain about what all I have to do? She was educated (had her degree in Spanish/Teaching) and actually taught a while. Meanwhile, keeping house. No complaints. I need to take lessons from her. No complaints.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A correction and anniversary moment
Okay in yesterday's post I said that my husband didn't listen to me or rather had selective listening. He kind of got a little irritated by that. He really does listen to me. It's just that he doesn't understand that I like face to face, in depth conversations that take more than 3 minutes. He tells me all the time that he can only focus on one thing at a time. We have been walking around the acreage lately so he is spending more time listening there. I say everything I think I need or want to say in that time because I know once we enter the house, his focus is everywhere but on what I want to talk about. Occasionally, he does listen to me when I think he isn't because later he will ask a question regarding what I had been saying. I have to give him credit there.
This Thursday will be our 21st anniversary. Yes, we got married on April 1st. When we got engaged we sat down and discussed wedding dates. We had known for a while that we were going to get married so the time from engagement to wedding was 10 weeks. I let him chose the date. He chose that date because he said he would never forget it. Well, he has never forgotten our anniversary but I have....twice. There are some people that wonder how we could pull off a wedding in 10 weeks but I got mad during the 10 weeks and we decided to just do immediate family only. We came extremely close to eloping but our great friends who were gladly going to stand up with us reminded us that my husband's grandmother would kill us if we did that. So we opted for a simple wedding. No fuss, no frills. Our siblings stood up for us and the guys wore suits. The girls (I cannot apologize enough for this) wore pink taffeta dresses that they made. (again I am so, so, so sorry!!!). My mom in anticipation of our getting married had made my wedding dress a month before we got engaged. My hubby's youngest sister made our cake and the reception was at my in-laws home. It actually fits our personalities and how we do things.
21 seems like forever!! He would say the same. :D
This Thursday will be our 21st anniversary. Yes, we got married on April 1st. When we got engaged we sat down and discussed wedding dates. We had known for a while that we were going to get married so the time from engagement to wedding was 10 weeks. I let him chose the date. He chose that date because he said he would never forget it. Well, he has never forgotten our anniversary but I have....twice. There are some people that wonder how we could pull off a wedding in 10 weeks but I got mad during the 10 weeks and we decided to just do immediate family only. We came extremely close to eloping but our great friends who were gladly going to stand up with us reminded us that my husband's grandmother would kill us if we did that. So we opted for a simple wedding. No fuss, no frills. Our siblings stood up for us and the guys wore suits. The girls (I cannot apologize enough for this) wore pink taffeta dresses that they made. (again I am so, so, so sorry!!!). My mom in anticipation of our getting married had made my wedding dress a month before we got engaged. My hubby's youngest sister made our cake and the reception was at my in-laws home. It actually fits our personalities and how we do things.
21 seems like forever!! He would say the same. :D
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Today was quite a productive day. I am almost finished with all my laundry, cleaned my room, gathered up all the Goodwill stuff, did 2 loads in the dishwasher as well as 2 loads hand washing dishes, made a trip to Target, and made stuffed jalapenos (2 1/2 dozen jalapenos worth). For supper, I sadly resorted to tator tots and buffalo chicken strips from a bag. I just couldn't think of anything creative enough for dinner.
Tomorrow is dinner club with church members. Our group is having breakfast for dinner. I am suppose to bring homemade cinnamon rolls so I have to make them from scratch at the request of the hostess. So tomorrow afternoon will be spent making a mess in the kitchen. I love to bake so it is really more therapy than a chore.
Aside from all this, I was talking with my ultimate best friend (God) today and was sharing my dreams and wishes out loud although He already knew them. He doesn't mind if I talk a lot and share these things. He also seems to listen well, which let's be honest, my husband does not. (My husband has selective listening skills). As I shared with Him, I knew that He was really there. Listening to me. Giving me His undivided attention. It was such a neat feeling. I can't say how I knew that He was there but I could just feel it. I was driving while talking with Him otherwise I would have turned in my seat, crossed my legs Indian style, and gone what I call face to face. It was like when I meet up with my girlfriends. The intimacy, the warmth, the whole thing. It was so incredibly cool. Maybe this is why I accomplished so much. I felt like I had been heard and that someone had cared enough to give me the time I so craved and needed. I was free to move forward. For the first time in a long time, I feel at peace.
Tomorrow is dinner club with church members. Our group is having breakfast for dinner. I am suppose to bring homemade cinnamon rolls so I have to make them from scratch at the request of the hostess. So tomorrow afternoon will be spent making a mess in the kitchen. I love to bake so it is really more therapy than a chore.
Aside from all this, I was talking with my ultimate best friend (God) today and was sharing my dreams and wishes out loud although He already knew them. He doesn't mind if I talk a lot and share these things. He also seems to listen well, which let's be honest, my husband does not. (My husband has selective listening skills). As I shared with Him, I knew that He was really there. Listening to me. Giving me His undivided attention. It was such a neat feeling. I can't say how I knew that He was there but I could just feel it. I was driving while talking with Him otherwise I would have turned in my seat, crossed my legs Indian style, and gone what I call face to face. It was like when I meet up with my girlfriends. The intimacy, the warmth, the whole thing. It was so incredibly cool. Maybe this is why I accomplished so much. I felt like I had been heard and that someone had cared enough to give me the time I so craved and needed. I was free to move forward. For the first time in a long time, I feel at peace.
Friday, March 26, 2010
One Thought After Another

Well, I am happy to say that I have an approved contract for the next school year. I am not sure what I will be teaching but I am relieved to know that the people in charge still believe in my ability to teach. It has been a long, hard, emotional last few months. Today was the first time in a long time that I felt like I could breathe.
I have been in deep prayer for my California sis-in-law and her family (Keeping up with the Tatums). They are going through so much with his mom and her health. Please keep them in your prayers. I am too far away to help them out in the way they need help but I can stand in the gap and pray for them.
Dad Pipes must have heard me say that I didn't want to really cook tonight. He called us up and wanted to go to dinner. We went to Long John Silver's and had a great visit the whole time. I really like spending time with him. I remember when we would go with him and Mom on what the kids called Grandpa Adventures. I am hoping that when the Post Office makes up its mind about my husband's weekend schedule that we can go back to Geo-Caching and Grandpa Adventures.
This is quite random when you look at it but then again, if you know anything about me, you know how random I can be at times. :D
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Truthful Moment
I am going to do something that I rarely do. I am going to be an open book. I am going to be completely and brutally honest without reservation. I am tired. I am worn out. I am mentally, physically, and emotionally done. I will admit that I am stressed right now. Every year as a teacher, I wait for the school board to decide whether I will have a contract for the following year. I have been blessed to have been working in the same district. I am finishing my 10th year. I work as hard as I can to teach the kids and do the best I can at my job but every year, I worry that maybe my best isn't good enough. It is a flaw. I worry about things I have no control over.
You see, I have a job I like. I love to teach kids. I love working with them and watching them excel and the ah-ha moments. I like being creative in helping the kids to learn concepts. I want them to be whatever they dream of becoming. I know that they can achieve amazing and wonderful things. That is my goal for them.
I have once again managed to worry myself into this tired, worn out state. I have given into this worry instead of getting on my knees and giving it to the Lord. He is the only one who can take care of things and the only one who knows the answer to what lies ahead for me. So, tonight instead of making myself totally and completely sick, I am dumping this worry at God's feet. I can't do a thing about the decisions that are being made. I can't make the decisions. I can't do anything but my best. If I am giving my best then I am doing what God placed me here to do. I love working at this little town's school and I love the kids I work with. Now, I must give it to the Lord and get some rest.
You see, I have a job I like. I love to teach kids. I love working with them and watching them excel and the ah-ha moments. I like being creative in helping the kids to learn concepts. I want them to be whatever they dream of becoming. I know that they can achieve amazing and wonderful things. That is my goal for them.
I have once again managed to worry myself into this tired, worn out state. I have given into this worry instead of getting on my knees and giving it to the Lord. He is the only one who can take care of things and the only one who knows the answer to what lies ahead for me. So, tonight instead of making myself totally and completely sick, I am dumping this worry at God's feet. I can't do a thing about the decisions that are being made. I can't make the decisions. I can't do anything but my best. If I am giving my best then I am doing what God placed me here to do. I love working at this little town's school and I love the kids I work with. Now, I must give it to the Lord and get some rest.
Monday, March 22, 2010
I Know What I Know
I am not the only one but since Mom Pipes has died, I have really struggled. I miss calling her and gleaning from her wisdom and her peaceful nature. On Friday afternoon, I decided to go to the cemetery and visit her grave. I thought I was ready. I was so wrong. I got there and all I could do was cry. There was someone else in the cemetery so my conversation with Mom Pipes was held internally for a while. After a couple of minutes, the young girl that was there, came over, placed a rose on Mom's grave and gave me a bear hug. She had been crying and we just stood there for a minute together. Two strangers grieving together. We didn't say a word to each other. Then she left. After she was gone, I started talking to Mom.
I talked with her about the things that I had going on with my job, things at home, things with the boys, things with AC and SE, and things in general. I told her how much I missed her and how I wished that I could talk to her again. I told her that I just wished that there was a way for her to let me know that it would all be okay. I left soon after and went home.
Today, I got home and got the mail. I started crying immediately. The only piece of mail was a card that said, "You have been given a gift of "Angel" magazine from Jerry Pipes. Happy Holidays." Mom has been getting this magazine for me for several years. We have discussed articles in it and laughed over some things in it. She loved Angels and she really liked this magazine. She knew that I liked this magazine as well. Normally, I get a card about the renewal of this magazine in December. This past December, I didn't get the card. I didn't worry too much about it with budgets being tight and all. But today, out of the blue, here was this card.
For me, it was her way of letting me know that it was all going to be okay. I know it is silly but I really believe that this was my little sign from Mom. I know that God is control but I also believe that Mom is up there watching all of us and praying for us and cheering us on. Occasionally, I think that there are signs to let us know this. For that I am glad.
I talked with her about the things that I had going on with my job, things at home, things with the boys, things with AC and SE, and things in general. I told her how much I missed her and how I wished that I could talk to her again. I told her that I just wished that there was a way for her to let me know that it would all be okay. I left soon after and went home.
Today, I got home and got the mail. I started crying immediately. The only piece of mail was a card that said, "You have been given a gift of "Angel" magazine from Jerry Pipes. Happy Holidays." Mom has been getting this magazine for me for several years. We have discussed articles in it and laughed over some things in it. She loved Angels and she really liked this magazine. She knew that I liked this magazine as well. Normally, I get a card about the renewal of this magazine in December. This past December, I didn't get the card. I didn't worry too much about it with budgets being tight and all. But today, out of the blue, here was this card.
For me, it was her way of letting me know that it was all going to be okay. I know it is silly but I really believe that this was my little sign from Mom. I know that God is control but I also believe that Mom is up there watching all of us and praying for us and cheering us on. Occasionally, I think that there are signs to let us know this. For that I am glad.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring Break--Day 9
Today is the last day of Spring Break. I almost had a panic attack in church this morning when I realized that fact. I hadn't done my school work, I hadn't finished cleaning, and I hadn't done anything I really set out to do. I did sleep, I enjoyed being at home with my family relaxing so I did what anyone in my shoes would do. I came home and cooked all afternoon. In case, you don't recognize this, it is called procrastination. I am getting to be a pro at it.
This afternoon I made the following: Homemade Chicken Enchilada Soup, Rotel Cheese Dip, A Pot of Beans, Homemade Biscuits, and Homemade Cinnamon Rolls. Later tonight I will be making breakfast tacos and stuffed jalapenos. I just had this overwhelming urge to cook. I cleaned the kitchen after each thing and ran the poor dishwasher again. Then I sat down and looked at emails and facebook.
Now, I am about to go back to church and I will be finishing this evening off by watching an old movie or old television show on DVD. I will then go to bed and sleep. Tomorrow is the start to the long stretch of the school year. As the song says--I will "just put one foot in front of the other. Before I know it, I'll be walking out the door." (from the movie--Santa Claus is Comin to Town).
I hope that you have enjoyed my Spring Break with me. I will try to be more diligent and blog more frequently. May you be blessed this week.
This afternoon I made the following: Homemade Chicken Enchilada Soup, Rotel Cheese Dip, A Pot of Beans, Homemade Biscuits, and Homemade Cinnamon Rolls. Later tonight I will be making breakfast tacos and stuffed jalapenos. I just had this overwhelming urge to cook. I cleaned the kitchen after each thing and ran the poor dishwasher again. Then I sat down and looked at emails and facebook.
Now, I am about to go back to church and I will be finishing this evening off by watching an old movie or old television show on DVD. I will then go to bed and sleep. Tomorrow is the start to the long stretch of the school year. As the song says--I will "just put one foot in front of the other. Before I know it, I'll be walking out the door." (from the movie--Santa Claus is Comin to Town).
I hope that you have enjoyed my Spring Break with me. I will try to be more diligent and blog more frequently. May you be blessed this week.
Spring Break--Day 8
Well, I slept in on this day. I had an alarm set but kept hitting the snooze button. I finally got up around 930am. Then I started working on the laundry and watched a movie. Around lunch time, I gathered the boys and we went to Venus for some lunch. Sonic was the main vote so that is where we went. We drove home and I continued to work on laundry and moved on to cleaning the closet. I am in the process of rearranging my clothes in an effort to redo the wardrobe. It is harder than you think it would be. I had promised everyone I would get rid of the clothes that were too big but I seem to have an emotional attachment to them and am having the hardest time letting go.
My youngest was fixing Jamabalaya for dinner and we realized we needed milk to make the cornbread so I went to the store. Of course, I thought of a couple of other things we needed so I picked those up as well. Grandpa had arrived right before I did so we visited with him while dinner was finishing up. We had a leisurely meal of Jamabalaya, cornbread, green beans, and aparagus. After dinner, grandpa left and went home and I cleaned the kitchen. You will be happy to know that I finally conquered the mess! Every time I would go to cook or do anything in the kitchen, I would find it in totally disarray. I was about to throw every pot and pan out because I couldn't ever find it clean. But 3 dishwasher loads, and 2 loads by hand later, the problem was solved. To celebrate, I made banana bread. My hubby and I watched some shows on music that he had recorded and I worked on my sudoku puzzles.
I ended the night with one of my top ten movies--Wedding Date.
My youngest was fixing Jamabalaya for dinner and we realized we needed milk to make the cornbread so I went to the store. Of course, I thought of a couple of other things we needed so I picked those up as well. Grandpa had arrived right before I did so we visited with him while dinner was finishing up. We had a leisurely meal of Jamabalaya, cornbread, green beans, and aparagus. After dinner, grandpa left and went home and I cleaned the kitchen. You will be happy to know that I finally conquered the mess! Every time I would go to cook or do anything in the kitchen, I would find it in totally disarray. I was about to throw every pot and pan out because I couldn't ever find it clean. But 3 dishwasher loads, and 2 loads by hand later, the problem was solved. To celebrate, I made banana bread. My hubby and I watched some shows on music that he had recorded and I worked on my sudoku puzzles.
I ended the night with one of my top ten movies--Wedding Date.
Spring Break--Day 7
Day 7 started off okay. I left fairly early to go grocery shopping. I started out at Target because there was something I needed there and couldn't get at the grocery store. Then I decided to meander over to Ross. There I found a pair of brown pants and got excited. Now, I had the basics in my wardrobe for work. I left there and went to HEB. I slowly and leisurely did my shopping. I almost broke down and bought a couple of tulip bouquets but resisted spending the money on something that wouldn't last long. I wished now I would have done it. It would have brightened my day later. As I got ready to check out, the clerk looked at me (now, at this point, let me describe what I am wearing--a pink tshirt, jeans, dangling earrings, a necklace, and a watch with charms.) and said, "Have a nice day sir." Sir??? Seriously?? What a blow. It was so disheartening. I know that the clerk didn't even realize what was said but still....
I made it home with all the groceries, had help putting them away, and heard--"There isn't anything to eat. When are you going to buy real food?" I went to my room and shut the door. I just couldn't respond to that.
A little later, my dad-in-law helped me take the car to the shop and then I stopped by and borrowed the tank, I mean the Excursion. After I got home, I changed clothes and we went out to meet my oldest and the girlie girl on their way back to college. They had been in Colorado visiting (in his case--meeting) her parents and enjoying a little snowboarding. We all gathered up at Buffalo Wild Wings and enjoyed the meal together. We walked over to Best Buy and dreamed a bit. Then moved on to Academy to buy shoes for the youngest. He has moved from a size 9 1/2 to a size 11 in a matter of 3 months. Sigh...
I was glad to get home. It seemed like the day would never end.
I made it home with all the groceries, had help putting them away, and heard--"There isn't anything to eat. When are you going to buy real food?" I went to my room and shut the door. I just couldn't respond to that.
A little later, my dad-in-law helped me take the car to the shop and then I stopped by and borrowed the tank, I mean the Excursion. After I got home, I changed clothes and we went out to meet my oldest and the girlie girl on their way back to college. They had been in Colorado visiting (in his case--meeting) her parents and enjoying a little snowboarding. We all gathered up at Buffalo Wild Wings and enjoyed the meal together. We walked over to Best Buy and dreamed a bit. Then moved on to Academy to buy shoes for the youngest. He has moved from a size 9 1/2 to a size 11 in a matter of 3 months. Sigh...
I was glad to get home. It seemed like the day would never end.
Spring Break Days 6
Well, what can I say? I got behind. I wish I could have stayed committed. Anyway, in case you are just dying to know here it goes.
DAY 6--This was a great day! I got to go meet up with one of my best friends and her daughter for lunch at Panera Bread. I highly recommend the new Cuban Chicken sandwich. They also have great tea. Then we leisurely went window shopping at Cato (my all time favorite store)and Charming Charlie. If you have never been to this store then as a woman, I encourage you to experience it. I am the type of person that sorts by color and this store is set up in just that manner. An example is that purses, jewelry, clothes, shoes, etc that is the color yellow is all grouped together, and on it goes. There is even a section of zebra stuff and cheetah stuff. It is overwhelming but going in the middle of the week is much better than going on the weekend. We finished up there and went to Lowe's for gardening stuff. After that they had to meet up with her hubby. I went on home. I spent a little bit of time at home and then ventured out to have dinner at Chick Fil A with another one of my dearest friends. We live less than 40 minutes from each other but see each other about once every 3-4 months. We schedule a time when we can just visit for 4-5 hours and catch up, vent, and share with each other. We have been through a lot with our families and that is one family that has been through thick and thin with us. After the guys at Chick Fil A threw us out so they could close up, I headed home.
Well, there it is. I hope that day was a little more exciting for you.
DAY 6--This was a great day! I got to go meet up with one of my best friends and her daughter for lunch at Panera Bread. I highly recommend the new Cuban Chicken sandwich. They also have great tea. Then we leisurely went window shopping at Cato (my all time favorite store)and Charming Charlie. If you have never been to this store then as a woman, I encourage you to experience it. I am the type of person that sorts by color and this store is set up in just that manner. An example is that purses, jewelry, clothes, shoes, etc that is the color yellow is all grouped together, and on it goes. There is even a section of zebra stuff and cheetah stuff. It is overwhelming but going in the middle of the week is much better than going on the weekend. We finished up there and went to Lowe's for gardening stuff. After that they had to meet up with her hubby. I went on home. I spent a little bit of time at home and then ventured out to have dinner at Chick Fil A with another one of my dearest friends. We live less than 40 minutes from each other but see each other about once every 3-4 months. We schedule a time when we can just visit for 4-5 hours and catch up, vent, and share with each other. We have been through a lot with our families and that is one family that has been through thick and thin with us. After the guys at Chick Fil A threw us out so they could close up, I headed home.
Well, there it is. I hope that day was a little more exciting for you.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Spring Break Day 5 Part 2
Well, I have spent the day with my youngest niece. The other two ended up going with their "Maw maw". I was really glad that they brought the exersaucer. I was able to go to the bathroom and get a couple of things done without having to worry about her eating anything or getting loose in the house without any precautions. I enjoyed snuggling with her. I miss when kids need me to rock them and hold them. I really don't miss the dirty diapers but hey, hazards of the job.
On a side note, I realized that my hair looks absolutely horrid when left to dry on its own. It goes crazy and I literally cannot do anything with it. It drives me nuts. I should go get it trimmed but I am afraid that they would cut it short again and I am trying to grow it back out. Sigh.... When it comes to hair, you can't win for losing.
I did get my living room cleaned this morning. I need to work on the laundry some more. I am getting frustrated in that I don't think I am going to make it with all the deep cleaning that I want to get done. Oh well, big ideas with short time. I know someone out there is wondering how dirty my house is. I am "deep" cleaning it. Going through every drawer, nook, and cranny. We moved in 3 years ago and have accumulated stuff. Now I am cleaning out that stuff. I am finding myself hanging on to things just because I don't want to have to deal with getting rid of things or go through it all. I can get the boys to help clean the main areas of the house but actually going through things, another story. Oh well, it will get done eventually. Well, that does it for today. Check back tomorrow. Maybe it will be more interesting. :D
On a side note, I realized that my hair looks absolutely horrid when left to dry on its own. It goes crazy and I literally cannot do anything with it. It drives me nuts. I should go get it trimmed but I am afraid that they would cut it short again and I am trying to grow it back out. Sigh.... When it comes to hair, you can't win for losing.
I did get my living room cleaned this morning. I need to work on the laundry some more. I am getting frustrated in that I don't think I am going to make it with all the deep cleaning that I want to get done. Oh well, big ideas with short time. I know someone out there is wondering how dirty my house is. I am "deep" cleaning it. Going through every drawer, nook, and cranny. We moved in 3 years ago and have accumulated stuff. Now I am cleaning out that stuff. I am finding myself hanging on to things just because I don't want to have to deal with getting rid of things or go through it all. I can get the boys to help clean the main areas of the house but actually going through things, another story. Oh well, it will get done eventually. Well, that does it for today. Check back tomorrow. Maybe it will be more interesting. :D
Spring Break Day 5 Part 1
Well, I finally made it up early this morning. I swept the living room, cleaned out the dishwasher, loaded the dishwasher, started a load of laundry, and picked up the living room. Today my nieces and nephew are coming over. For Christmas, we gave a babysitting coupon to my sister-in-law and her husband with a restaurant gift card. They have decided to cash it in. So, today is the day that I will keep the kids for them. I figure I probably won't get much done today because I have to have time to snuggle with the youngest, play Lego's with the oldest, and watch a princess movie with the middle one. It will be a full day to say the least. I will write more later about the whole experience.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Spring Break Day 4
Well, I told my boys that they had to help with the deep cleaning because we all live here and we all make the mess. They protested and griped and grumbled but with the impending threat of their XBox disappearing, they quit the gripes and did an excellent job. Now I have to be diligent and do my job. I did some cleaning but I am finding myself totally unmotivated now. I want my house clean but even with individual room by room lists, I find the task daunting. I have decided to take one list at a time and work through it. It will take me considerably longer than I had hoped but the reward in the long run will be worth it.
I had my alarm set this morning and slept right through it. I guess I needed the sleep because I slept late again this morning. Then I started meandering with my chores. I really need to make myself go to be sooner and get back on a schedule. Maybe instead of sleeping as late as I want, I need to force myself to get up at the usual time. I would probably accomplish more in the morning than late at night. Since I am booked for tomorrow then I might just give that theory a whirl.
I had my alarm set this morning and slept right through it. I guess I needed the sleep because I slept late again this morning. Then I started meandering with my chores. I really need to make myself go to be sooner and get back on a schedule. Maybe instead of sleeping as late as I want, I need to force myself to get up at the usual time. I would probably accomplish more in the morning than late at night. Since I am booked for tomorrow then I might just give that theory a whirl.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Spring Break Day 3

Well, today was suppose to be the first day of cleaning. What happened instead was that I stayed up until 200am the night before and then slept until 1000am. I got up and jumped on my computer to go through emails and the such. Did some paperwork for school and suddenly realized that the clock in the Living Room was still on old time. I was suppose to pick up my youngest son from his friend's house at noon. I was now late. I changed clothes, grabbed my middle son and off we went. We picked up the youngest one and went on to Venus to Sonic for lunch. It is our splurge for the first part of the week. We came home and they popped in a movie while I went to my room. I watched an old television series while I worked on some more paperwork and made a list for cleaning the house and wrote a letter to my parents. As I looked up at the clock, I was amazed to see that it was 430pm. My whole day had disappeared and was now gone. I printed out the lists and had the kids chose their assignments in helping with the house. I gave them their deadline and then made Chicken Parmesan for dinner.
I told you that this was going to be an insomniacs dream story. :D Tomorrow will definitely be a full blown cleaning day since I did nothing today. I want to enjoy some part of this break.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Spring Break Day 1 and 2
I decided that I would blog my way through Spring Break this year. It might not be the most exciting thing but I just want to share with anyone out there.
Day 1 (Saturday, March 13th)--I spent the day with my husband at the Dave Ramsey Live conference. It was good. It helped that he was funny. I don't think I could have endured it if he hadn't been. I did learn what diversified stocks and mutual funds were. Someone actually put it all into words that I understood. In case you have never listened to Dave Ramsey or heard of him, he talks about how to get out of debt and make your money work for you not the credit companies. He can be annoying on the radio but he had some sound and common sense steps to getting out of debt. Anyway, he is also ADHD so he didn't stand still and he moved through the material quickly. My kind of speaker. After that, my husband treated me to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. We came home and everyone in the house was in bed and asleep by 9:45pm.
Day 2 (Sunday, March 14)--We met our oldest and his girlfriend in Burleson for breakfast. They were on their way to Colorado to see her family. Once we left there we headed to Bass Pro Shop (where we had never been before). We meandered around the store, climbed on the boats, spent quite a while in the archery section, and looked at the fish. After leaving there we drove leisurely through downtown Grapevine only to be stopped at the railroad depot while Thomas the Tank Engine pulled in and stopped. Little kids, parents, pony rides, bounce houses, and vendors everywhere. We then proceeeded to take an off the beaten path road through an industrial area which led to the Founder's Park (DFW airport observation area). We sat on a bench and watched planes land and take off for a while. We walked through the pathway and read the plaque and the signs to see what they were getting ready to do. Upon leaving there, we drove over to Arlington and drove past the new Dallas Cowboy stadium. It is really big!!! After listening to the boys complain that they were starving to death, we decided to experience a new place. We went to Steak and Shake. It was okay. I've had better and I've had worse. But now we can say we tried it. We finally wound down the back roads and came home. It was a beautiful day and very relaxing. It was a great start to this vacation time.
Day 1 (Saturday, March 13th)--I spent the day with my husband at the Dave Ramsey Live conference. It was good. It helped that he was funny. I don't think I could have endured it if he hadn't been. I did learn what diversified stocks and mutual funds were. Someone actually put it all into words that I understood. In case you have never listened to Dave Ramsey or heard of him, he talks about how to get out of debt and make your money work for you not the credit companies. He can be annoying on the radio but he had some sound and common sense steps to getting out of debt. Anyway, he is also ADHD so he didn't stand still and he moved through the material quickly. My kind of speaker. After that, my husband treated me to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. We came home and everyone in the house was in bed and asleep by 9:45pm.
Day 2 (Sunday, March 14)--We met our oldest and his girlfriend in Burleson for breakfast. They were on their way to Colorado to see her family. Once we left there we headed to Bass Pro Shop (where we had never been before). We meandered around the store, climbed on the boats, spent quite a while in the archery section, and looked at the fish. After leaving there we drove leisurely through downtown Grapevine only to be stopped at the railroad depot while Thomas the Tank Engine pulled in and stopped. Little kids, parents, pony rides, bounce houses, and vendors everywhere. We then proceeeded to take an off the beaten path road through an industrial area which led to the Founder's Park (DFW airport observation area). We sat on a bench and watched planes land and take off for a while. We walked through the pathway and read the plaque and the signs to see what they were getting ready to do. Upon leaving there, we drove over to Arlington and drove past the new Dallas Cowboy stadium. It is really big!!! After listening to the boys complain that they were starving to death, we decided to experience a new place. We went to Steak and Shake. It was okay. I've had better and I've had worse. But now we can say we tried it. We finally wound down the back roads and came home. It was a beautiful day and very relaxing. It was a great start to this vacation time.
Thursday, March 11, 2010

I have been looking forward to Spring Break for the last two or three weeks. I have counted down the days until it would come. Now that it is here, I realize I am going to be working hard through the entire thing. I had hoped to take a mini trip with the family but I guess those kinds of things will have to wait until the boys are out of college. It comes first.
In talking with people at work, I heard about trips, shopping, cruises, no kids for a week, and several other things. When asked what I was going to do, I responded "Deep clean the house, bake, and referee the boys." In other words, I am going to work as hard over Spring Break as I do when it is not Spring Break. I am also going to be working on paperwork for work. That never ends. I read someone's thoughts on face book today and they stated they wished that they could be like teachers and have a week off. I hate to tell them but it really isn't a break after all. It is just catch our breath for a minute from work so we can change hats to the parent factor.
I think I will really and truly rearrange the living room and try to do some rearranging of another room. Maybe that will help. I do have a couple of old shows on dvd that have arrived so there is some more entertainment. Wow! Between cleaning, baking, babysitting, rearranging...I will have a short week. Maybe I will sleep late on Monday just for fun. Who knows, I might get a bit crazy and go to bed early for once. Oh my, maybe I should pace myself. :D
Monday, March 8, 2010
Deep Thoughts
My deepest thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I feel like I tell too much of my deepest thoughts and feelings and other times I think I glaze over them so as not to acknowledge them.
In the past couple of months, my thoughts and feelings have run up one side and down another. It has literally been a roller coaster for emotions. Right now, I don't even know if I could pin down a specific thought or feeling. I do know that I am a pro at burying stuff. So probably without provication, one day, I will break down, cry for a bit, throw a fit, and then the world will right itself once again and we will move on. Right at this moment though, I am just here.
I do have this overwhelming urge (if I could afford it then I would so do it), to fly myself and my husband's younger sister to see my husband's older sister. I have had this urge for about 2 weeks now. It is just a nagging thing that keeps pushing at the back of my brain. I don't know if it is because I just need to have the three of us together after what has happened. I don't know if it is because I just need to have that closeness that I miss from my mom-in-law being gone.....
(I really miss her. I know everyday is suppose to get better but I will find myself thinking that I need to call her and tell her things. I find myself wanting to talk to her about things I know she would understand. I miss that. I miss the bond.) Sometimes I wonder if my urgency to get a sense of order back in my life (translation-going back to work so soon after the funeral) was not so much the right choice. I don't know.
You wanted to know more, well here it is.....
In the past couple of months, my thoughts and feelings have run up one side and down another. It has literally been a roller coaster for emotions. Right now, I don't even know if I could pin down a specific thought or feeling. I do know that I am a pro at burying stuff. So probably without provication, one day, I will break down, cry for a bit, throw a fit, and then the world will right itself once again and we will move on. Right at this moment though, I am just here.
I do have this overwhelming urge (if I could afford it then I would so do it), to fly myself and my husband's younger sister to see my husband's older sister. I have had this urge for about 2 weeks now. It is just a nagging thing that keeps pushing at the back of my brain. I don't know if it is because I just need to have the three of us together after what has happened. I don't know if it is because I just need to have that closeness that I miss from my mom-in-law being gone.....
(I really miss her. I know everyday is suppose to get better but I will find myself thinking that I need to call her and tell her things. I find myself wanting to talk to her about things I know she would understand. I miss that. I miss the bond.) Sometimes I wonder if my urgency to get a sense of order back in my life (translation-going back to work so soon after the funeral) was not so much the right choice. I don't know.
You wanted to know more, well here it is.....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Extreme Lynne Makeover
I was recently told that I was being too vague with my blog posts. That person reminded me that my statement about my blog was my deepest thoughts without worrying about what others think. Well, here goes.
In this world, I used to think that that my husband and I had really secure jobs. He works for the Post Office and I teach. We have learned that that kind of thinking is flawed. No job is really secure. There are ups and downs and then you throw in the economy and in my husband's case, online everything. So... I got to doing some serious thinking and I realized that I have had trouble with looking professional. Most of the time, I go for comfort and that tends to translate into what I wear to work. Now, teachers spend time on their knees, in the floor, up and down, and every which way. But. That does not mean that I can't at least look like the adult in the room. Lately, I have been making note of what everyone is wearing. Not just at work but out and about, at the stores, church, etc. I decided it was time to take the bull by the horns.
Our music minister's wife and their 3 daughters have this wonderful sense of style. They are all sizes and shapes but no matter what they are wearing it looks good. So I approached them with the proposition of making me look professional. Translated--take me shopping.
It became an event! These 4 ladies and the baby girl (who is 1) took me shopping on Saturday in a way I have never been shopping. They loaded me down with things they thought I would look great in, took me to the dressing room, and told me to start trying things on. So, in all my glory, I tried on clothes (which I have always hated doing. That would account for why I buy clothes 2-3 sizes too big). 4 hours later, 4 stores later, and less than $300, I had a wardrobe complete with shoes and a new purse. These women explained to me about how to work the clothes and what things I might want to add to the collection.
I came home and tried on some of the things for my husband. I think he zoned out. He did comment on one shirt that he liked. So on Sunday morning, I went into the closet and selected an outfit from the new stuff. These ladies had told me repeatedly, if you like how you look and you feel good in what you are wearing then you will carry yourself better and it will make you feel better as a person. They were right. I felt cute, professional, adult, and after my husband paid me a compliment, sexy. I realized I had crossed a bridge that I could no longer go back over. Now I had a standard and I have to maintain that standard. Does that mean I will shop every time I go out? No. Although there are a couple of items I would like to have in the wardrobe. I can make do with what I have. I just need to make sure that I think about what I am wearing instead of just grabbing something frumpy because it is comfortable. These same ladies gave my husband the direction to get rid of all my clothes that were miles too big and the clothes that didn't meet the criteria for the wardrobe.
Now, I am ready to face what comes my way. I am a professional. Sometimes. During the week. Let's just say I am working on it. :D
In this world, I used to think that that my husband and I had really secure jobs. He works for the Post Office and I teach. We have learned that that kind of thinking is flawed. No job is really secure. There are ups and downs and then you throw in the economy and in my husband's case, online everything. So... I got to doing some serious thinking and I realized that I have had trouble with looking professional. Most of the time, I go for comfort and that tends to translate into what I wear to work. Now, teachers spend time on their knees, in the floor, up and down, and every which way. But. That does not mean that I can't at least look like the adult in the room. Lately, I have been making note of what everyone is wearing. Not just at work but out and about, at the stores, church, etc. I decided it was time to take the bull by the horns.
Our music minister's wife and their 3 daughters have this wonderful sense of style. They are all sizes and shapes but no matter what they are wearing it looks good. So I approached them with the proposition of making me look professional. Translated--take me shopping.
It became an event! These 4 ladies and the baby girl (who is 1) took me shopping on Saturday in a way I have never been shopping. They loaded me down with things they thought I would look great in, took me to the dressing room, and told me to start trying things on. So, in all my glory, I tried on clothes (which I have always hated doing. That would account for why I buy clothes 2-3 sizes too big). 4 hours later, 4 stores later, and less than $300, I had a wardrobe complete with shoes and a new purse. These women explained to me about how to work the clothes and what things I might want to add to the collection.
I came home and tried on some of the things for my husband. I think he zoned out. He did comment on one shirt that he liked. So on Sunday morning, I went into the closet and selected an outfit from the new stuff. These ladies had told me repeatedly, if you like how you look and you feel good in what you are wearing then you will carry yourself better and it will make you feel better as a person. They were right. I felt cute, professional, adult, and after my husband paid me a compliment, sexy. I realized I had crossed a bridge that I could no longer go back over. Now I had a standard and I have to maintain that standard. Does that mean I will shop every time I go out? No. Although there are a couple of items I would like to have in the wardrobe. I can make do with what I have. I just need to make sure that I think about what I am wearing instead of just grabbing something frumpy because it is comfortable. These same ladies gave my husband the direction to get rid of all my clothes that were miles too big and the clothes that didn't meet the criteria for the wardrobe.
Now, I am ready to face what comes my way. I am a professional. Sometimes. During the week. Let's just say I am working on it. :D
Monday, March 1, 2010
A verse for you
Today was one of those rare days when I was able to spend an hour in the Word without interruption and distraction. It spoke volumes to my spirit. I know that this is what is getting me through each and every day. One verse in particular that stuck out was:
Psalm 29:11--The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.
That is basically God's promise that He will strengthen me. How much better could it be than that. A for real, in writing, promise.
If you are struggling then hold fast to this verse. It will bring you comfort and peace throughout the day. I am praying for each and every person that reads this blog whether I know you or not. Be blessed today.
Psalm 29:11--The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.
That is basically God's promise that He will strengthen me. How much better could it be than that. A for real, in writing, promise.
If you are struggling then hold fast to this verse. It will bring you comfort and peace throughout the day. I am praying for each and every person that reads this blog whether I know you or not. Be blessed today.
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