Okay in yesterday's post I said that my husband didn't listen to me or rather had selective listening. He kind of got a little irritated by that. He really does listen to me. It's just that he doesn't understand that I like face to face, in depth conversations that take more than 3 minutes. He tells me all the time that he can only focus on one thing at a time. We have been walking around the acreage lately so he is spending more time listening there. I say everything I think I need or want to say in that time because I know once we enter the house, his focus is everywhere but on what I want to talk about. Occasionally, he does listen to me when I think he isn't because later he will ask a question regarding what I had been saying. I have to give him credit there.
This Thursday will be our 21st anniversary. Yes, we got married on April 1st. When we got engaged we sat down and discussed wedding dates. We had known for a while that we were going to get married so the time from engagement to wedding was 10 weeks. I let him chose the date. He chose that date because he said he would never forget it. Well, he has never forgotten our anniversary but I have....twice. There are some people that wonder how we could pull off a wedding in 10 weeks but I got mad during the 10 weeks and we decided to just do immediate family only. We came extremely close to eloping but our great friends who were gladly going to stand up with us reminded us that my husband's grandmother would kill us if we did that. So we opted for a simple wedding. No fuss, no frills. Our siblings stood up for us and the guys wore suits. The girls (I cannot apologize enough for this) wore pink taffeta dresses that they made. (again I am so, so, so sorry!!!). My mom in anticipation of our getting married had made my wedding dress a month before we got engaged. My hubby's youngest sister made our cake and the reception was at my in-laws home. It actually fits our personalities and how we do things.
21 years...it seems like forever!! He would say the same. :D
Wow -- 21 years!!!