I have been looking forward to Spring Break for the last two or three weeks. I have counted down the days until it would come. Now that it is here, I realize I am going to be working hard through the entire thing. I had hoped to take a mini trip with the family but I guess those kinds of things will have to wait until the boys are out of college. It comes first.
In talking with people at work, I heard about trips, shopping, cruises, no kids for a week, and several other things. When asked what I was going to do, I responded "Deep clean the house, bake, and referee the boys." In other words, I am going to work as hard over Spring Break as I do when it is not Spring Break. I am also going to be working on paperwork for work. That never ends. I read someone's thoughts on face book today and they stated they wished that they could be like teachers and have a week off. I hate to tell them but it really isn't a break after all. It is just catch our breath for a minute from work so we can change hats to the parent factor.
I think I will really and truly rearrange the living room and try to do some rearranging of another room. Maybe that will help. I do have a couple of old shows on dvd that have arrived so there is some more entertainment. Wow! Between cleaning, baking, babysitting, rearranging...I will have a short week. Maybe I will sleep late on Monday just for fun. Who knows, I might get a bit crazy and go to bed early for once. Oh my, maybe I should pace myself. :D
We are not going anywhere or doing anything this week. Come see us!