Today I am thankful for God answering prayers. He has answered my prayers more than once and continues to answer my prayers daily. From the simple and mundane prayers to the extensive and detailed. The blessings that my family has received are more than I can even begin to count. I am so glad that I believe and that I am allowed the freedom to believe in God. Without Him in my life I would be either non-existant or such a messed up mess. I thank God for saving me and for taking on all my junk. I thank Him for allowing me to come to Him for anything and everything. I thank God for caring more about me than anyone ever could. I thank God for the spiritual gifts He has given me. I thank God for the friends and family He has put into my life. I thank God over and over. My thanks to God is endless just as His love for us is.
I pray that your Thanksgiving Day is blessed and fulfilled with love, family, friends, and prayers.
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