Today I am thankful for time. Time to spend with my guys. Time to spend just relaxing and not stressing over work or the such. Time to take leisurely walks out in the pasture. Time to stop and just "smell the roses". Today was one of the best days that I can remember in a long time. There was no agenda, no rushing around, nothing. My oldest and I went shopping this morning and didn't rush around. We didn't even get up early. Then the whole family went out together and once home, the boys played together and I was able to curl up on the couch with the love of my life to watch an old movie ("Bad Day at Black Rock") and just soak it all up. It is rare in our lives these days that we have this time. It is rare that we are all together without a schedule dictating every minute. It is rare that my oldest is home and my husband is off at the same time. So today, I am totally thankful for time.
Amen! Something so few of us have enough of!